Wednesday 7 November 2012

I Know why

I know why you aren't talking to me,
Coz you feel you will loose your heart to me,
Either I knew you too perfectly,
Or I am just being silly,
But by saying me goodbye now,
And even making me dead for you,
Do really feel you will seize to exist for me too??,
Well then you will be disappointed coz i will always be there for you,
No matter what you say, No matter what you think,
I can read your mind within an eye's blink,
I don't know how to tell you this,
But I promise I will be at your back throughout this,
And even if you want me to leave you,
I will oblige and walk away from you,
Because you will always be near to my heart,
And you are present in every heart beat of mine,
Just remember whenever you need me,
I will always be present for you at the time,
Coz you have always been the best friend of mine,
And will always be throughout my life time.................